Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Devil's Playground; Ministry to the Ladies of the Night

On every first and third Friday night I have been going out with a ministry from my church called Magdalene Hope.  We drive up and down the "stroll" and minister to the prostitutes we come across.  Our pastor knows many of them by name and where they hang out, as he started this ministry about three years ago because he felt the Lord was calling on him to help these women.

The first thing we do is put together gift bags.  They contain cards with every number that they can call for help, and we also include a gospel of John, a CD of worship music and other items that will make them feel good about themselves: candy, inexpensive jewelry items, and hygiene items.  After we put the bags together we spend time preparing spiritually.  We read the word and then worship in song followed by prayer. We examine ourselves for any sin and confess it privately and then pray together as a group.   It's essential; we rely on our Father to put the right women in our path and to soften their hearts.  When walking in the devils' playground it's essential to go forth in spiritual strength.

We load up into a van, and so that we don't overwhelm the women, the person in the front passenger seat does the talking.  When we find a young woman working, the front passenger calls to her and asks if she'd like a gift bag.  Most of all we want to get those phone numbers into her hands!  While they are talking, those of us in the back pray silently.

The last night we went out we made a lot of contacts and many allowed pastor to pray for them.  After we leave the woman, we add her name to a list and what she requested prayer for so that we can continue praying for her.  The most common request is for safety and a way out.  We are hoping to have a safe house for them soon.

Please send up some prayers for these women if you feel led to. They are all in desperate circumstances.

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