Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

Out in the street, fireworks are exploding in celebration of our freedom!

Speaking of freedom, the most exquisite freedom we have is the freedom from condemnation, the freedom that comes from our Lords' sacrifice for us on the cross.  No freedom compares to it!
As I sit at my computer, I hear the crackling and booming of the fireworks and I thank my God for the sacrifice he gave for us.

I can hardly believe it's been 30 days since I've blogged.  But it's been a very productive 30 days!
Let me bring you up to date, because it's been an exciting time.  It all started when I stopped by my grandmothers house to visit.  She lives with my aunt and nephew, and we just visiting and catching up when all of a sudden a young man, Garry, a friend of my nephew, came bursting in, his face glowing with joy. "You all won't believe this," he said. " I went to church last Sunday and I accepted Christ as my savior and I'm to be baptized this next Sunday!"
I found out later that this was a young man with a lot of problems. He'd been on drugs and on the wrong path altogether. But the Lord had turned his life all around.
"Congratulations," I told him. "What church did you find?"
Lo and behold, it was mine!  Coincidence? I don't think so. "Do you have a ride?" I asked him.  For years I have been taking anyone who wants to go.
"That's the only problem," he said. "I don't have a car."
"Not a problem." I told him.  "I'd be glad to take you."
And thus began a fantastic friendship. We began going every Sunday and Wednesday, and the very next Sunday his girlfriend accepted Christ as her savior as well.  They have three little children aged 5,2, and 10 months.  We meet together often to read the word, pray, and fellowship. We've gone fishing several times, and this past weekend we went on a great camping trip.
And talk about blessings! A week after he turned his life over to the Lord, he landed a job in the oilfields, making a very decent wage.
Our father is good indeed!
So that's what I've been up to.  And we have decided to start a home bible study right here in my home, something I've wanted to do for some time. We are going to start meeting together every Thursday, as I've decided to keep a Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.  Not that we are under the law; I want to do it as an expression of my love for my Lord.
Something else I've been up to....since visiting Israel a year ago, I've developed a passion to learn to read and speak Hebrew.  Again, as an expression of love.  It has greatly enriched my life. I'm sure you'll recognize the verse, John 3:16. I hope it will bless you as it has me. :)

I welcome your comments!

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