Monday, November 21, 2011

Even as I walk through darkness, #I'm so thankful

There's so much in this country and world that angers me. If you're reading this, we probably share some the same issues. The world around us grows more evil by the day, including those who are supposed to lead us. I've never heard of so many children and infants being killed by their own parents. Then we have the Muslims starting a reality show on TLC, deceiving the uneducated. I could go on and on, and probably will in the days to come, because the issues we don't discuss and plan to enlighten people about leave us guilty by our silence.
Last night I awoke from a nightmare, and was immediately soothed by God's presence when I prayed. It occurred to me that although we are surrounded by this world of darkness and despair, as God's children we have much to be thankful for. And as it is Thanksgiving week, we would do well to remember these things both big and small.

So I started a list using #I'm so thankful. If each of us could contribute a few things, we can share our hope, faith and thankfulness with each another. Here's what I've got so far:

#I'm so thankful God's people once again inhabit Israel, the land that He gave them.

#I'm so thankful "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." Psalm 9:9

#I'm so thankful "In the morning, O lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in
expectation." Psalm 5:3

#I'm so thankful that God even knows the number of hairs on our head.

#I'm so thankful we live under the New Covenant.

#I'm so thankful for each new day that allows me another chance to share God's love.

#I'm so thankful for the jump-up-and-down, tail wagging show of joy that my dogs give me when I come home.

#I'm so thankful that though my body struggles with illness, my mind remains clear.

#I'm so thankful for the mercy and peace that comes from my Father.

#I'm so thankful for the roof over my head and warm blankets to pull up to my chin.

#I'm so thankful for this place where I can hear encouraging words from others that believe as I do.

#I'm so thankful that in this country my faith is not grounds for jail or death.

#I'm so thankful for God's unconditional love.

@vaibk Vaibhav Khare RT @SuzieTors #I'm so thankful for God's unconditional love.

#I'm so thankful that I have adult children that I can be proud of.

#I'm so thankful that when I wake from a bad dream, my heavenly Father is right there to comfort me.

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